Back in November 2015, Chief Boima (in his role as Africa is a Country’s managing editor) curated three panels at the Pan African Space Station‘s library-of-people installation at the Performa 15 Hub in New York City. AIAC invited Dutty Artz’ DJ Ushka, York College Professor and writer Rishi Nath, and AIAC’s photo editor Zachary Rosen to host three podcasts on behalf of Africa is a Country.


My mixtape for the Mixpak FM series is here, featured today as Resident Advisor’s Mix of the Day.

For me this mix dove into “channeling rage for, remembrance of, love toward victims of police brutality & state-sanctioned violence, in the U.S. y destructive legacies this country has left & continues to leave elsewhere– ya basta, ya basta, ya basta. A las víctimas– nunca serán olvidados.”
